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Dockers make it easy to build and run applications using containers. The Docker-Container applications offer flexible deployment options, for example on devices running Azure IoT Edge or AWS IoT Greengrass.
OPC UA Aggregation Server with IoT Connection
Software module to connect controllers and machines to IIoT applications
Software module to connect SIMATIC S7 PLCs with IIoT Applications
Software module to connect SINUMERIK 840D controllers with IIoT Applications
Software module to connect Modbus TCP controllers with IIoT Applications
Software module to connect FANUC CNC controllers to Industrial IoT applications
Software module to connect ControlLogix and CompactLogix controllers to IIoT applications
Connectivity software to provide SINUMERIK 840D CNC data to the Siemens Industrial Edge applications
Connectivity software to provide FANUC CNC data to the Siemens Industrial Edge applications
Access to HART devices connected to Allen-Bradley, Siemens, Schneider Electric or R.Stahl controllers and remote I/Os for Emerson’s AMS and FDT.
Access PROFINET networks with PROFINET and PROFIBUS devices
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