
Tag: smartLink HW-DP

Industry 4.0 Implementation for HART Devices

Learn how to implement Industry 4.0 solutions for HART devices using the Namur Open Architecture (NOA). Discover the benefits of continuous digital data flow, integration technologies, and HART-IP protocol for effective plant asset management.

Smart Extension For Legacy Process Plants

As the digital transformation takes hold of the process industry, many companies are facing the challenge of reconciling innovation and continuity. In response to this, NAMUR (the User Association of Automation Technology in Process Industries) has developed the NAMUR Open Architecture (NOA) model, which brings plant optimization through IT/OT integration within reach for the process industry. In this blog, we present a range of NOA-compliant products that process plant operators can use to extend their plant in compliance with NOA to directly reap the benefits of modern IT applications.

HART-IP in the process industry

Driven by the digitalization of field devices in the process industry, the growing importance of predictive maintenance and the increasing possibilities offered by centralized field device configuration, digital communication protocols like HART-IP are on the rise. In addition to providing access to a device’s process variables, the protocol also supports device parameter setting and advanced diagnostics. HART-IP will therefore play an important role in enabling the Industrial Internet of Things in process plants. Softing supports HART-IP technology and offers an NOA-compliant gateway with its smartLink DP product.


Softing Inc.
