Get To Know dataFEED OPC Suite and Elevate Your Business With Convenient IT/OT Integration

dataFEED OPC Suite enables you to conveniently and easily extract and consolidate your process data for use in modern Industry 4.0 solutions.
dataFEED OPC Suite enables you to conveniently and easily extract and consolidate your process data for use in modern Industry 4.0 solutions.
Digital transformation requires businesses to merge information technology (IT) and operations technology (OT). Rethinking their relationship and their supporting technologies can go a long way toward helping businesses meet their goals. Our new blog post series explores the enabling technologies behind the digital transformation phenomenon.
The new "File Read" function of dataFEED OPC Suite Extended V5.25 enables access to process data available via XML files. File Read allows process values from XML files to be integrated quickly and securely into production control applications such as MES or OEE via the standard OPC Classic or OPC UA interfaces.
Manufacturers running CNC machines with SINUMERIK 840D controls face the challenge of extracting performance and process data from the shop floor for analysis. This data is essential for optimizing operations via powerful business applications and has been inaccessible until now. The remedy is a versatile software solution that is scalable, cost-effective and easy to use, allowing manufacturers to extract data from their CNC controls while having the freedom to connect to higher-value applications.
The fact that Ethernet-APL (Advanced Physical Layer) supports almost all Industrial Ethernet protocols makes network planning and installation much easier for plant engineers and planners. However, a number of points need to be kept in mind to ensure the network is stable and fail-safe. The blog post looks at the various network topologies for Ethernet-APL, as recommended by the Ethernet-APL Engineering Guideline.
The new Ethernet-APL technology considerably simplifies the process of setting up high-performance automation networks and seamlessly integrating field devices into process manufacturing. For device manufacturers and automation network operators alike, Ethernet-APL products from Softing avoid expensive and time-consuming implementation projects while supporting the cost-effective migration of network topology to the new digital standard.