
December 2021

All About PROFIBUS: The Communication Backbone of Production Plants

Available for over 20 years, the PROFIBUS standard is a mature digital fieldbus technology used in many factory and process automation applications, as well as in hybrid industries like food and beverages and pharmaceuticals. According to the PROFIBUS and PROFINET International (PI) association, over 50 million PROFIBUS devices were sold in 2015 — and this number continues to grow. Our blog post takes a deeper dive into PROFIBUS, including what it is and how it works.

Explore Secure Integration Server: A Secure, Flexible OPC UA-Based IT/OT Integration Solution

Owing to the explosion of the Internet of Things, the number of OT/IT applications increases, and so too does network complexity. Having an abstraction interface can go a long way toward reducing this complexity. Our Secure Integration Server (SIS) is one such example that provides a layer that simplifies management between the OT and IT domains based on the OPC UA standard.


Softing Inc.
