
Discontinued Products

Product Name Order Nr. Successor Product Order Nr. Discontinuation
Product / Support
CAN PC/104 Interface Card,
1x CAN, without Microcontroller
CAN-OEM1-104 - - 30.06.2023 / 30.12.2024
CAN PC/104 Interface Card,
1x CAN, without Microcontroller
CAN-OEM2-104 - - 30.06.2023 / 30.12.2024
CAN PC104plus Interface Card
1x CAN, with Microcontroller
CAN-PRO1-PC104+ - - 31.12.2022 / 30.06.2024
CAN PC104plus Interface Card
2x CAN, with Microcontroller
CAN-PRO2-PC104+ - - 31.12.2022 / 30.06.2024
CAN PC104plus Interface Card (-40°C … +85°C)
2x CAN, with Microcontroller
CAN-PRO2-PC104+XT - - 31.12.2022 / 30.06.2024
CAN PC/104  Interface Card (-40°C … +85°C)
2x CAN, with Microcontroller
CAN-AC2-104I - - 31.12.2022 / 30.06.2024
CAN PC/104  Interface Card
1x CAN, with Microcontroller
CAN-AC1-104 - - 01.01.2020 / 30.12.2022
CAN PC/104  Interface Card
2x CAN, with Microcontroller
CAN-AC2-104 - - 01.01.2020 / 30.12.2022
CAN PC/104 Interface Card,
1x CAN, galv. isolated, without Microcontroller
CAN-OEM1-104-ISO - - 01.01.2020 / 30.12.2022
CAN PC/104 Interface Card,
1x CAN, galv. isolated, without Microcontroller
CAN-OEM2-104-ISO - - 01.01.2020 / 30.12.2022
CAN Protocol Analyzer Software X-Analyser - - 12.2015
Universal PCI DeviceNet Interface Card With On-Board Microcontroller CAN-AC1-PCI/DN - - 12.2015
Universal PC/104 DeviceNet Interface Card With On-Board Microcontroller CAN-AC1-104/DN - - 12.2015
CAN/CANopen-Single Channel, Full Speed USB-Interface CANusb CANpro USB, High Speed USB-Interface, Single Channel DUL-OO-012410 02.2013
CAN/CANopen-Interface with Microcontroller, Dual Channel CANcard2 CANpro USB, High Speed Interface Single Channel DUL-OO-012410 02.2013
Product Name Order Nr. Successor Product Order Nr. Discontinuation
Product / Support
FBK-2/HW (M16C62P based EAA-KS-020200
commModule MBP EIA-KS-022220
15.02.2023 / 31.12.2024 
FFusb Interface DUA-KK-020300 mobiLink HART +
linkPlus FF
01.08.2018 / 30.09.2019
FFusb with Fieldbus LabkitInterface DUL-KK-020302 mobiLink HART +
linkPlus FF
01.08.2018 / 30.09.2019
FOUNDATION fieldbus Configuration Tool FF-CONF FF-CONF ComConf VCL-YY-097701 07.2017
Product Name Order Nr. Successor Product Order Nr. Discontinuation
Product / Support
FG-260 GCL-CA-010260 epGate PN GCA-CA-014111 30.04.2018 / 30.04.2018
FG-200 for Stahl Carrier GLA-EK-024103 - - 31.12.2020 / 31.12.2020
DTM Library LRA-NN-021980 - - 12.2019 / 06.2020
FIM – 110 F GLA-YK-020121 FG-200 GLA-EK-024102 31.12.2018
FG-260 GCL-CA-010260 epGate PN GCA-CA-014111 30.04.2018 / 30.04.2018
FG-110 ICM-NK-0211
FG-200 GLA-EK-024102 12.2016 / 12.2017
FG-100 FF/HSE GLA-FK-020100 ICM-FK-0110 FG-200 GLA-EK-024102 12.2016 / 12.2017
Product Name Order Nr. Successor Product Order Nr. Discontinuation
Product / Support
Analyzer PRO KPL-JY-003043     01.11.2023 / 30.06.2024
PROFIBUS PA Monitor BC-230-PB PROFIBUS Tester 5 PA Adapter DDL-NL-006010 31.01.2022 / 30.06.2022
TH Link PROFIBUS GEA-JN-003006 smartLink HW-DP GEA-YN-0260000 31.08.2021 / 31.08.2022
NetXpert 1400  DDA JJ 004200  NetXpert XG 226554 31.12.2020
xEPI2 GEA-JN-003010 TH LINK PROFIBUS GEA-JN-003006 04.02.2019 / 31.12.2021
TH LINK Ethernet/IP GDA-JC-003035 TH LINK Industrial Ethernet GDA-JY-003037 31.12.2018
TH LINK Modbus GDA-JE-003036 TH LINK Industrial Ethernet GDA-JY-003037 31.12.2018
BC-600 (PBT4)
BC-600-PB PROFIBUS Tester 5 BC-700-PB DDA-NN-006014 01.09.2018
DDA-AA-005000 TH LINK PROFINET GDA-JA-003034 31.12.2017
PROFIBUS Tester 3 PB-T3/BTR PROFIBUS Tester 5 BC-700-PB DDA-NN-006014 31.12.2017
dataFEED OPC Suite
Product Name Order Nr. Successor Product Order Nr. Discontinuation
Product / Support
dataFEED OPC Server Siemens license (version 4.x) LRL-DY-132101 dataFEED OPC Server Siemens license (version 5.x) LRL-DY-132101 30.06.2023 / 31.12.2024
dataFEED OPC Server Rockwell license (version 4.x) LRL-DY-132301 dataFEED OPC Server Rockwell license (version 5.x) LRL-DY-132301 30.06.2023 / 31.12.2024
dataFEED OPC Server Modbus license (version 4.x) LRL-DY-132401 dataFEED OPC Server Modbus license (version 5.x) LRL-DY-132401 30.06.2023 / 31.12.2024
dataFEED OPC Server Mitsubishi license (version 4.x) LRL-DY-132601 dataFEED OPC Server Mitsubishi license (version 5.x) LRL-DY-132601 30.06.2023 / 31.12.2024
dataFEED OPC Server B&R license (version 4.x) LRL-DY-132901 dataFEED OPC Server B&R license (version 5.x) LRL-DY-132901 30.06.2023 / 31.12.2024
dataFEED OPC Tunnel license (version 4.x) LRL-DY-134001 dataFEED OPC Tunnel license (version 5.x) LRL-DY-134001 30.06.2023 / 31.12.2024
dataFEED OPC Organizer Classic license (version 4.x) LRL-DY-134101 dataFEED OPC Organizer Classic license (version 5.x) LRL-DY-134101 30.06.2023 / 31.12.2024
dataFEED OPC Organizer UA license (version 4.x) LRL-DY-134201 dataFEED OPC Organizer UA license (version 5.x) LRL-DY-134201 30.06.2023 / 31.12.2024
dataFEED OPC Data Handler license (version 4.x) LRL-DY-134301 dataFEED OPC Data Handler license (version 5.x) LRL-DY-134301 30.06.2023 / 31.12.2024
dataFEED OPC Server Extension 50 license (version 4.x) LRL-DY-134401 dataFEED OPC Server Extension 50 license (version 5.x) LRL-DY-134401 30.06.2023 / 31.12.2024
dataFEED OPC Suite Base license (version 4.x) LRL-DY-134501 dataFEED OPC Suite Base license (version 5.x) LRL-DY-134501 30.06.2023 / 31.12.2024
dataFEED OPC Server Extension 100 license (version 4.x) LRL-DY-134601 dataFEED OPC Server Extension 100 license (version 5.x) LRL-DY-134601 30.06.2023 / 31.12.2024
dataFEED MQTT Connector license (version 4.x) LRL-DY-134701 dataFEED MQTT Connector license (version 5.x) LRL-DY-134701 30.06.2023 / 31.12.2024
Easy Connect Suite
Product Name Order Nr. Successor Product Order Nr. Discontinuation
Product / Support
Easy Connect Base License (V 3.0) DCM-DD-1000 dataFEED OPC Suite LRL-DY134501 31.12.2015 / 31.07.2017
Easy Connect Base License (V 2.0 or older) DCM-DD-1000-A dataFEED OPC Suite LRL-DY134501 31.12.2015 / 31.07.2017
OPC Easy Connect Suite (V 1.44 or older) OPC-EC-BCL dataFEED OPC Suite LRL-DY134501 31.12.2015 / 31.07.2017
Multi Protocol OPC Server (INAT)
Product Name Order Nr. Successor Product Order Nr. Discontinuation
Product / Support
Multi-Protocol TCPIP-H1 OPC Server LRL-DY-131001 Except for the Siemens H1 protocol, SNMP and OPC Pipe, the dataFEED OPC Suite is the successor. There is no successor for the Siemens H1 protocol, SNMP and OPC Pipe, for all other protocols the dataFEED OPC Suite is the successor LRL-DY134501 31.12.2023 / 30.06.2025
OPC-Server TCPIP-Siemens LRL-DY-131101 dataFEED OPC Server Siemens LRL-DY134501 31.07.2019 / 31.01.2021
OPC-Server TCPIP-S LRL-DY-131201 dataFEED OPC Suite LRL-DY134501 31.07.2019 / 31.01.2021
SNMP OPC Server LRL-DY-131801 - - 31.11.2020 / 31.05.2022
Modbus OPC Server
(all versions)
LRL-DY-131401 dataFEED OPC Server Modbus LRL-DY-132401 31.12.2015 / 31.07.2017
Rockwell OPC Server
(all versions)
LRL-DY-131301 dataFEED OPC Server Rockwell LRL-DY-132301 31.12.2015 / 31.07.2017
Mitsubishi OPC Server
(all versions)
LRL-DY-131601 dataFEED OPC Server Mitsubishi LRL-DY-132601 31.12.2015 / 31.07.2017
(V 4.05 or older)
100-3100-XX Multiprotokoll-TCPIP-H1-OPC-Server LRL-DY-131001 31.08.2015 / 31.01.2017
(V 4.05 or older)
100-3120-XX Multiprotocol-TCPIP-S-OPC-Server LRL-DY-131201 31.08.2015 / 31.01.2017
OPC-Server TCPIP-Modbus
(V 4.05 or older)
100-3140-XX dataFEED OPC Server Modbus LRL-DY-132401 31.08.2015 / 31.01.2017
(V 4.05 or older)
100-3150-XX Multiprotocol-TCPIP-I-OPC-Server LRL-DY-131501 31.08.2015 / 31.01.2017
(V 4.05 or older)
100-3160-XX dataFEED OPC Server Mitsubishi LRL-DY-132601 31.08.2015 / 31.01.2017
(V 4.05 or older)
100-3170-XX OPC-Pipe-Client LRL-DY-131701 31.08.2015 / 31.01.2017
Softing Modbus OPC Server
Product Name Order Nr. Successor Product Order Nr. Discontinuation
Product / Support
OPC Server Modbus/TCP (V 2.11 or older) OPC-MODB-TCP dataFEED OPC Server Modbus LRL-DY-132401 31.08.2015 / 31.01.2017
Softing S7/S5 OPC Server
Product Name Order Nr. Successor Product Order Nr. Discontinuation
Product / Support
Softing S7/S5 Server (V 4.12 or older) DCF-DY-4100 dataFEED OPC Server Siemens LRL-DY-132101 28.06.2026 / 31.08.2027
Softing S7/S5 Server (V 4.11 or older) DCF-DY-4100-A dataFEED OPC Server Siemens LRL-DY-132101 01.06.2017 / 31.12.2018
OPC Server S7 (V 4.0x or older) OPC-S7 dataFEED OPC Server Siemens LRL-DY-132101 31.08.2015 / 31.01.2017
Profibus OPC Server
Product Name Order Nr. Successor Product Order Nr. Discontinuation
Product / Support
OPC Server PROFIBUS OPC-PB-XXXX - - 31.12.2019 / 30.07.2021
Product Name Order Nr. Successor Product Order Nr. Discontinuation
Product / Support
dataFEED OPC UA .NET Server SDK, Binary WRL-DD-031102     01.06.2020 / 30.05.2023
dataFEED OPC UA .NET Client SDK, Binary WRL-DD-031101     01.06.2020 / 30.05.2023
dataFEED OPC UA .NET Server SDK, Source Code WQL-DD-031201     01.06.2020 / 30.05.2023
dataFEED OPC UA .NET Client SDK, Source Code WQL-DD-031202     01.06.2020 / 30.05.2023
dataFEED OPC Classic SDKs
Product Name Order Nr. Successor Product Order Nr. Discontinuation
Product / Support
dataFEED OPC Classic AE Server SDK, Binary WRL-DD-034112     01.04.2020 / 31.03.2021
dataFEED OPC Classic AE Client SDK, Binary WRL-DD-034111     01.04.2020 / 31.03.2021
dataFEED OPC Classic DA Server SDK, Binary WRL-DD-034102     01.04.2020 / 31.03.2021
dataFEED OPC Classic DA Client SDK, Binary WRL-DD-034101     01.04.2020 / 31.03.2021
dataFEED OPC Classic AE Server SDK, Source Code WQL-DD-034212     01.04.2020 / 31.03.2021
dataFEED OPC Classic AE Client SDK, Source Code WQL-DD-034211     01.04.2020 / 31.03.2021
dataFEED OPC Classic DA Server SDK, Source Code WQL-DD-034202     01.04.2020 / 31.03.2021
dataFEED OPC Classic DA Client SDK, Source Code WQL-DD-034201     01.04.2020 / 31.03.2021
OPC Classic Toolkits
Product Name Order Nr. Successor Product Order Nr. Discontinuation
Product / Support
OPC DA Client Toolkit, Runtime License V 4.40 LRA-DD-034501 OPC DA Client Toolkit, Binary Format License WRL-DD-034101 12.2015 / 06.2017
OPC AE Client Toolkit, Runtime License V 4.40 LRA-DD-034511 OPC AE Client Toolkit, Binary Format License WRL-DD-034111 12.2015 / 06.2017
OPC XML-DA Client Toolkit, Runtime License V 4.40 LRA-DD-034521 OPC XML-DA Client Toolkit, Binary Format License WRL-DD-034121 12.2015 / 06.2017
OPC XML-DA Client Toolkit for Linux, Binary License V 4.31 WRL-DD-034131 OPC UA C++ Client Toolkit for Linux, Binary Format License WRL-DD-035131 06.2016 / 12.2017
OPC XML-DA Server Toolkit for Linux, Binary License V 4.31 WRL-DD-034132 OPC UA C++ Server Toolkit for Linux, Binary Format License WRL-DD-035132 06.2016 / 12.2017
OPC XML-DA Client Toolkit for Linux, Source License V 4.31 WQL-DD-034231 OPC UA C++ Client Toolkit for Linux Source Format License WQL-DD-035231 06.2016 / 12.2017
OPC XML-DA Server Toolkit for Linux, Source License V 4.31 WQL-DD-034232 OPC UA C++ Server Toolkit for Linux Source Format License WQL-DD-035232 06.2016 / 12.2017
OPC UA Client Gateway TK BIN WRL-DD-031103 - - 08.06.2017 / 31.12.2018
OPC UA Server Gateway TK BIN WRL-DD-031104 - - 08.06.2017 / 31.12.2018
OPC Classic XML-DA Client Toolkit, Binary format WRL-DD-034121 - - 31.12.2018 / 31.12.2019
OPC Classic XML-DA Client Toolkit, Source format WQL-DD-034221 - - 31.12.2018 / 31.12.2019
OPC Classic XML-DA Server Toolkit, Binary format WRL-DD-034122 - - 31.12.2018 / 31.12.2019
OPC Classic XML-DA Server Toolkit, Source format WQL-DD-034222 - - 31.12.2018 / 31.12.2019
OPC UA Embedded Toolkit
Product Name Order Nr. Successor Product Order Nr. Discontinuation
Product / Support
OPC uaToolkit Embedded,
source format
Alternative solution:
License OPC UA C++ Server SDK, Linux
30.04.2023 / 31.12.2024
OPC uaToolkit Embedded,
source format
Alternative solution:
License OPC UA C++ Server SDK, VxWorks
LDA-DD-035242 30.04.2023 / 31.12.2024
Product Name Order Nr. Successor Product Order Nr. Discontinuation
Product / Support
PROFIBUS PC/104  Interface Card PB-PC104-MS - - 31.12.2022 / 30.06.2024
PROFIBUS PC/104  Interface Card (-40°C … +85°C) PB-PC104-MS -XT - - 31.12.2022 / 30.06.2024
PROFIBUS Compact PCI Interface Card PB-PRO1-CPCI - - 31.12.2022 / 30.06.2024
PROFIBUS PCI104 Interface Card PB-PRO1-PCI104 - - 31.12.2022 / 30.06.2024
PROFIBUS PC104plus Interface Card PB-PRO1-PC104+ - - 31.10.2020 / 30.12.2022
PROFIBUS PC104plus Interface Card (-40°C … +85°C) PB-PRO1-PC104+XT - - 31.10.2020 / 30.12.2022
PROFIBUS PCI104 Interface Card (-40°C … +85°C) PB-PRO1-PCI104-XT - - 31.10.2020 / 30.12.2022
PROFIBUS Monitor BC-502-PB TH Link PROFIBUS GEA-JN-003006 31.12.2017
PROFIusb, Interface, Single Channel PB-USB PBpro USB, Interface, Single Channel DUL-NN-012410 12.2015
PROFI104 Master, -40°C …+85°C PB-PC104-XT PROFI104 Master/Slave -40°C …+85°C PB-PC104-MS-XT 10.2011
PROFI104 Slave PB-PC104-S PROFI104 Master/Slave PB-PC104-MS 10.2011
PROFIboard (PCI),1 channel master,1 channel slave PB-IF-1M1S PBpro PCI, 2 channels master/slave PB-PRO2-PCI 10.2011
PROFIboard (PCI), 1 channel master/slave, 1 channel master PB-IF-2MS PBpro PCI, 2 channels master/slave PB-PRO2-PCI 10.2011
PROFIboard (PCI), 1 channel slave PB-IF-1S PBpro PCI, 1 channel master/slave PB-PRO1-PCI 10.2011
PC Card interface PROFIcard2 PB-PCCARD2 - - 10.2011
PROFIcard2 RS 485 Interface PB-PCCARD2/TAP - - 10.2011
PROFIboard ISA PB-IF-03 - - 10.2008
Product Name Order Nr. Successor Product Order Nr. Discontinuation
Product / Support
Remote PROFIBUS Interface FG-100 PROFIBUS, Single Channel FG-100-PB Remote PROFIBUS Interface PBpro ETH, Single Channel DEL-NN-012311 01.2015
Remote PROFIBUS Interface FG-300 PROFIBUS, Dual Channel FG-PB-2/HW Remote PROFIBUS Interface PBpro ETH, Dual Channel DEL-NN-012312 01.2015
Remote PROFIBUS Interface FG-300 PROFIBUS, Triple Channel FG-PB-3/HW Remote PROFIBUS Interface PBpro ETH, Triple Channel & Quad Channel DEL-NN-012313
Product Name Order Nr. Successor Product Order Nr. Discontinuation
Product / Support
cATM in-chassis ControlLogix module for data transfer between ControlLogix, Schneider, and Siemens RA56-cATM High Performance     30.09.2019 / 30.09.2019
Product Name Order Nr. Successor Product Order Nr. Discontinuation
Product / Support
OLC fiber Ethernet networking module


OCX fiber Ethernet networking module (in-chassis or DIN rail)    
OCP fiber Ethernet networking module


OCR fiber Ethernet networking module (DIN rail)
OCX fiber Ethernet networking module (in-chassis or DIN rail)
Product Name Order Nr. Successor Product Order Nr. Discontinuation
Product / Support
echolink S7-compact GPL-CS-191000 NETLink S7-Compact GPA-CS-041000 20.06.2023 / 20.06.2025
atvise elements CD MEA-YY-144002 - - 01.07.2018 / 01.07.2021
CF Card 700-2400-02 - - 21.07.2021 / 31.03.2023
Connection Cable TTY / PLC, 2m 700-1800-02 - - 30.06.2016 / 01.01.2018
Connection Cable TTY / PLC, 5m 700-1800-05 - - 30.06.2016 / 01.01.2018
echocollect e/r/m & echochange with HW-Revision older than v7.05 - - - 30.06.2021
echocollect m GAL-YY-143401 echocollect e GAL-YY-143101 01.01.2020 / 31.12.2022
echocollect p GPL-YY-14-3301 echocollect e GAL-YY-143101 31.07.2015 / 31.01.2017
echocollect r GAL-YY-143201 echocollect e GAL-YY-143101 01.01.2020 / 31.12.2022
echograph GAL-YY-144101 - - 30.06.2016 / 01.01.2018
echolink GPL-YY-141101 echocollect e GAL-YY-143101 01.01.2016 / 01.01.2019
echolink one2EthernetIP 200-2120-3819 - - 30.06.2017 / 31.12.2018
echolink one2Modbus 200-2140-3818 - - 30.06.2017 / 31.12.2018
echolink one2PROFINET 200-2131-3681 - - 01.01.2020 / 31.12.2022
echolink one2S5 200-2140-TTY S5-PCLink S5-PCLINK 30.06.2017 / 31.12.2018
edgeGate GAA-YY-145122 - - 01.07.2021 / 30.06.2024
Industrial IoT Starter Kit CCA-YY-140001 - - 01.07.2021 / 30.06.2023
OPCpipe Client LRL-DY-131701 OPC-Server TCPIP-H1 LRL-DY-131001 01.01.2020 / 31.12.2022
PLC-cable CP/PLC 0,6 m 700-1700-01 - - 30.06.2021 / 31.03.2023
S5-PCLink S5-PCLink - - 31.12.2020 / 31.12.2021
S5-TCP/IP 100 200-4000-01 - - 28.06.2021 / 31.03.2023
UPG-collect: Visu full license LRL-YY-143004 - - 01.07.2018 / 01.07.2021
Product Name Order Nr. Successor Product Order Nr. Discontinuation
Product / Support
IP Zug.runtimeRFC1006/Inst 100-3010-01RFC     31.08.2024 / 31.08.2025
TACC N/A smartLink HW-DP GEA-YN-026000 10.10.2022 / 31.12.2022
CF Card 256MB 700-2400-02 - - 21.07.2021 / 31.03.2023
IP-Driver for MS-DOS with S7 d+e (all versions) 100-3030-01 - - 30.06.2016 / 31.12.2017
PLC-cable CP/PLC 0,6 m 700-1700-01 - - 30.06.2021 / 31.03.2023
USB Hardlock for one Product LIC-USB-1 - - 28.02.2021 / 30.07.2023
USB Hardlock for multiple Products LIC-USB-X - - 28.02.2021 / 30.07.2023
dgl/USB/unkodiert/neu/1109 000-1-00060 - - 28.02.2021 / 30.07.2023
Product Name Order Nr. Successor Product Order Nr. Discontinuation
Product / Support
DDE Server PPI/MPI (Siemens S7-Controllers via PPI/MPI)
(all versions)
100-3350-XX - - 30.09.2016 / 31.03.2018
OPC Server S7 Protocol Support for Serial - PPI/MPI (all versions) 100-3300-XX - - 30.09.2016 / 31.03.2018
(all versions)
100-3380-01 - - 31.08.2015 / 31.01.2017
DDE Server (INAT)
Product Name Order Nr. Successor Product Order Nr. Discontinuation
Product / Support
DDE-Server TCPIPH1, Software Key 100-3050-01 - - 30.06.2022 / 31.12.2023
DDE-Server TCPIPH1, Hardware Key 100-3050-20 - - 28.02.2021 / 30.07.2023
DDE-Server TCPIP-S, Software Key 100-3070-01 - - 30.06.2022 / 31.12.2023
DDE-Server TCPIP-S, Hardware Key 100-3070-20 - - 28.02.2021 / 30.07.2023

Softing Industrial Support

USA, Canada, Mexico
(865) 251-5244 (Knoxville, TN)

Germany HQ
