
Globally Leading Food & Beverage Company

Reliable and bidirectional data exchange between PLCs and SQL server for modern IoT solution and data-driven innovation




  • Major player in the food & beverage industry, using finest natural ingredients and following rigorous standards ensuring sustainable operations
  • Global presence with more than 20000+ employees worldwide
  • Using digital technologies to connect with customers and improve plant operations

Business need

  • Improve and optimize the maintenance processes, resource planning and automate operations with innovative IoT applications
  • Integrate with Rockwell FactoryTalk

Technical Requirements

  • Use SQL server as the central repository
  • Connect ControlLogix and Siemens PLCs to SQL servers, cope with SQL server downtimes
  • Efficient data transfer, reduce overload of data and avoid buffer of data in the PLCs
  • Deliver the data in XML format


  • Softing’s tManager has been selected to connect Rockwell- and Siemens PLCs with SQL server. Collected data is used by several IoT applications.
  • Initial roll-out in three production sites. One SQL server per site; about 35 PLCs are connected per tManager.
  • tManager sends about 4 to 5 millions records per week, empties the buffer in 5 to 6 seconds, supports XML data format
  • Capable to handle SQL server downtimes.


  • Seamless integration with Rockwell backplane, eliminates need to operate Windows based IPC or similar
  • tManager is capable to handle SQL server downtimes.
  • tManager offer secure and robust communication, contributing to better performance of end-to-end solution

Softing Industrial


+49 89 456 56-340

Callback Service

USA, Canada and Mexico

+1 865 251-5252

Callback Service
