Currently only SINUMERIK 840D sl NCU 7x0.3 PN is supported.
SINUMERIK 840D sl must have a software version higher than V4.3.
uaGate 840D is connected to SINUMERIK 840D sl via the MACHINE Ethernet interface.
For connecting uaGate 840D to SINUMERIK 840D sl, ideally the interface X120 (operator panel interface)
or alternatively the interface X130 (company network interface) is used.
The SINUMERIK 840D sl interface X127 (startup and remote diagnostics interface) should not be used.
Notes on Using the SINUMERIK 840D sl interface X120
The advantage of interface X120 is that it is not isolated by a firewall.
The (fixed) IP address is present at interface X120. uaGate 840D should be connected
using a fixed IP address in a higher IP range (e.g.,
Notes on using the SINUMERIK 840D sI interface X130
For uaGate 840D operation via interface X130, the NCU firewall (Port TCP/102) must be enabled.
Figure: SINUMERIK 840D sl CNC Controller (without cover)
(Source: Siemens)
The polling interval is the same like the subscription interval form the OPC UA Client. If the client subscribes an item with 1000msec, the uaGate 840D will answer after 1000msec - if you want to go faster, setup 200msec for example.
Please refer to the following PDF for a detailed answer: DeviceCommissioning840D
In the NCU numerical control unit of the SINUMERIK 840D CNC controller, users can define global variables for individual use in the machine tool according to their requirements. These GUD (Global User Data) variables can be accessed using uaGate 840D and dataFEED edgeConnector 840D. For this purpose, it is necessary to define a structure with the following components and their initial values according to the respective GUD variable in the associated .AWL file:
SYNTAX_ID : BYTE := B#16#82;
bereich_u_einheit : BYTE;
spalte : WORD;
zeile : WORD := W#16#1;
bausteintyp : BYTE;
typ : BYTE;
laenge : BYTE;
The individual lines of the structure have the following structure:
<Component Name> : <Data Type BYTE | WORD> := <Initial Value>;
All components of the GUD variable have to be initialized with a value according to the description below.
The following initial values are used for the individual components:
Softing has not created any device-specific CAD drawings, but CAD drawings for the ME Max housing can be downloaded from the manufacturer. The case designation is:
ME MAX 22.5 2-2 KMGY (Part.No. 2713625)
Various CAD files are available here:
The maximum number of symbols which can be imported is 20.000. The edgeGate supports with its 5 connections up to 60.000 symbols, but also a maximum of 20.000 per connection.
The buffering as specified in the OPC UA standard is implemented, but the items are stored in the RAM, not on the SD card. Please mind that the OPC UA client must support this functionality and demand it from the server.
50ms polling time
2.500 byte items with 200ms polling time
The power dissipation also depends on the operating mode (Ethernet load, supply voltage, ambient temperature, module dispersion, ...). A typical value for power dissipation Pv is about 3.3 watts at 24VDC.
We recommend using Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome for the gateway configuration. Microsoft Explorer has some known limitations that might interfere with the user interface.
At the moment no Softing gateway echo-seriesdataFEED-series supports Alarms and Events (AE).
At the moment no Softing gateway echo-seriesdataFEED-series supports Historical Access (HA).
The browser preferred language is used for the user interface, currently English and German is supported. If you want to override this default setting, change the preferences in your browser.
For example, in Mozilla Firefox:
Menu -> Settings -> Content -> Languages
and change or move the desired language to the top of the list.
We support with all Softing gateways (echocollect, uaGate, edgeGate) the Microsoft Azure Cloud, Amazon AWS Cloud, IBM Bluemix Cloud and other cloud providers, which are using MQTT for telemetry data.