

Softing AG is a stock corporation under German law. Its headquarters are in Haar near Munich.

Softing AG

Richard-Reitzner-Allee 6
D-85540 Haar bei München

Phone:  +49 89 4 56 56-0
Fax:  +49 89 4 56 56-399
Email:  info[at]softing[dot]com


Data Security Officer:  Robert Jeffares

Corporate news:  Dr. Wolfgang Trier

Automotive:  Markus Steffelbauer

Industrial:  Ramin-Alexander Esmaili

IT Networks:  Matthias Caven

Softing AG
Richard-Reitzner-Allee 6
85540 Haar bei München

General information

Executive Board:  Dr. Wolfgang Trier (chairman) / Ernst Homolka

Registration court:  Munich Local Court

Registration no.:  HRB 127 604

VAT registration no.:  DE 186893974

Property rights

Softing, PROFIgate, Edic, Edicmobil and OBD4HDD are registered trademarks of Softing AG.

INAT, Netspector, Echolink, Echochange, OPCpipe and OPC-pipe are registered trademarks of Softing Industrial Automation GmbH.

hard&soft is a registered trademark of Softing Engineering & Solutions GmbH.

Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.


Unless indicated otherwise, all texts, images and other works published on the Web site are the copyright of Softing AG, Haar. Any duplication, distribution, storage, transmission, broadcast, reproduction or dissemination of the content without the written approval of Softing AG is expressly prohibited.

Liability disclaimer

Softing AG takes great care in compiling the contents of these Web pages and ensures that they are updated on a regular basis. However, all content is only meant to provide non-binding general information and cannot replace detailed individual advice to help the prospective buyer make their decision. We reserve the right to modify the content at any time. Specific information regarding the technical specifications, features or characteristics of our products is provided only by our sales department or our distributors.

Softing AG does not guarantee that the information on these pages is up-to-date, accurate or complete, nor that they can be accessed without disturbance at any time. When we refer to Web pages of third parties (links), Softing AG does not assume any responsibility for the contents of the linked pages. By clicking the link, you leave the Web pages of Softing AG. Other terms and conditions may apply to the services, products and information offered by third parties, especially with regard to data privacy. Softing AG also refuses any liability for related services - in particular for the downloading of files provided by Softing AG on the Web pages of Softing AG - in the event of breaches of duty caused by slight negligence, unless such breaches concern essential contractual obligations, life, health or body, or claims based on the German Product Liability Act. The same shall apply to breaches of duty on the part of our vicarious agents.


Softing Industrial
