
Download Center


  1. CAN / CANopen
  2. ControlNet
  3. DeviceNet
  4. EtherCAT
  5. EtherNet/IP
  6. FOUNDATION Fieldbus
  7. HART
  8. Industrial Ethernet
  9. Modbus TCP
  10. MQTT
  11. OPC UA
  14. Rockwell PLCs

Produkt Kategorie

  1. Docker Container
  2. Embedded Module
  3. Gateways für den Netzwerkzugriff parallel zum Steuerungsprozess
  4. Gateways für den Zugriff auf Steuerungsdaten
  5. Gateways für die Protokollumsetzung zur Steuerungsanbindung
  6. Netzwerk-Management-Tools
  7. Netzwerktester and -analysatoren
  8. OPC UA und OPC Classic SDKs
  9. OPC-Server & Middleware
  10. PC-Schnittstellenkarten
  11. Protokoll-Software und SDKs
  12. USB- und Bluetooth-Modems


  1. CAN-OEM-104
  2. PBpro PCI
  4. PBpro PCI Express
  5. CANpro PCI Express
  6. FBK2 – Universal Communication Module for integrating FOUNDATION fieldbus H1 and PROFIBUS PA
  7. FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1 Server (Device) Portable Protocol Stack
  8. PROFIBUS Master for Altera FPGA
  9. CANpro USB - CAN Single Channel USB Interface Card
  10. CANpro USB embedded - CAN Single Channel without Housing USB Interface Card
  11. Universal Fieldbus ASIC for PROFIBUS PA and FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1
  12. FOUNDATION fieldbus Mobile Host for Handheld Tools
  13. License Model Softing Protocol IP
  14. Communication Module for Implementation of PROFINET Controller Systems
  15. TH SCOPE - Management and Diagnostics of PROFIBUS Networks
  16. TH LINK PROFINET - PROFINET Diagnostics Independent from Controller and Control Room
  17. PBpro ETH - one- and multichannel Remote Interfaces
  18. TH LINK Industrial Ethernet - Industrial Ethernet Network Diagnostics Independent from Controller and Control Room
  19. TH LINK PC Industrial Ethernet - Controller-Independent Diagnostics for Ethernet-Based Industrial Networks
  20. SPI 3 - Serial PROFIBUS interface
  21. PROFIBUS Tester 5 (Testing of Bus Communication, Physics and Cabling)
  22. epGate PN - EtherNet/IP to PROFINET Gateway with Controller Functionality
  23. PCI ControlNet | High-temperature network card with Redundant Media support
  24. PCI Express ControlNet | High-temperature network card with Redundant Media Support
  25. PCI Express EtherNet/IP | High-temperature network card with DLR support
  26. Communication Configurator FF
  27. PBpro USB - Universal PROFIBUS Interface with USB High Speed Port
  28. pnGate PA - PROFINET to PROFIBUS PA Gateway
  29. Analyzer IE - Software Product Bundle for Mobile Industrial Ethernet Diagnostics
  30. FG-200 HSE/FF Modbus - FOUNDATION Fieldbus FG-200 HSE/FF Modbus for Control
  31. commModule MBP – Feldbus Kommunikationsmodul für Geräte der Prozess Automatisierung
  32. Feldbus
  33. OPC
  34. commKit - Der schnelle und einfache Weg zur Integration von FOUNDATION Fieldbus oder PROFIBUS PA in HART-oder Modbus-Geräte.
  35. pnGate PB - PROFINET to PROFIBUS DP/PA Gateway
  36. mbGate PA - MODBUS to PROFIBUS PA Gateway
  37. mobiLink | Multiprotocol Interface
  38. mbGate PB - MODBUS to PROFIBUS Gateway
  39. mbGate DP - MODBUS zu PROFIBUS Gateway
  40. PROFIBUS Diagnostics Suite
  41. pnGate DP - PROFINET to PROFIBUS DP Gateway
  42. DevCom
  43. epGate DP - Ethernet/IP to PROFIBUS DP Master Gateway
  44. epGate PB - Ethernet/IP to PROFIBUS DP/PA Master Gateway
  45. epGate PA - Ethernet/IP to PROFIBUS PA Master Gateway
  46. smartLink HW-DP
  47. mobiLink Power | Multiprotocol Interface
  48. smartLink SW-HT
  49. Secure Integration Server
  50. uaGate SI
  51. uaGate 840D
  52. edgeConnector Siemens
  53. edgeConnector 840D
  54. eATM tManager ControlLogix
  55. OCR, OCX, OCM Communication Module
  56. OPC UA .NET Standard SDK
  57. Exporter
  58. PCI EtherNet/IP
  59. OPC UA C++ SDKs für Windows
  60. uaGate MB
  61. edgeGate
  62. OPC UA C++ SDKs für Linux
  63. OPC UA C++ SDKs für VxWorks
  64. OPC UA Demo Client
  65. eATM tManager CompactLogix
  66. eATM OPC UA Server-Modul für ControlLogix
  67. dataFEED OPC Suite Extended
  68. dataFEED OPC Server Siemens
  69. dataFEED OPC Server Modbus
  70. dataFEED OPC Server B&R
  71. dataFEED OPC Server Mitsubishi
  72. dataFEED OPC Server Rockwell
  73. dataFEED OPC Tunnel
  74. dataFEED OPC Data Handler
  75. dataFEED OPC Organizer UA
  76. dataFEED OPC Organizer Classic
  77. dataFEED MindSphere Connector
  78. dataFEED MQTT Connector
  79. dataFEED REST Connector
  80. dataFEED OPC Suite Base
  81. Softing 1799 Embedded I/O for DeviceNet
  82. edgeConnector Modbus
  83. smartLink HW-PN
  84. OCR Networking Module
  85. OCX Networking Module
  86. OCM Networking Module
  87. commModule APL
  88. edgePlug SINUMERIK CNC
  89. edgePlug FANUC CNC
  90. commKit Host
  91. edgeAggregator
  92. edgeConnector FANUC CNC
  93. dataFEED OPC UA Tunnel
  94. Namur Open Architecture (NOA)
  95. smartLink SW-PN
  96. plantPerfect Monitor
  97. edgeConnector Allen-Bradley PLC
  98. dataFEED OPC Server CNC
  99. dataFEED Web Services
  100. aplSwitch Field
  101. aplSwitch Field PA
  102. eATM tManager IPC
  103. PROFINET-Device-Subsystem für Altera-Intel FPGA
  104. EtherNet/IP-Adapter- Subsystem für Altera-Intel FPGA
  105. EtherNet/IP-Adapter- Subsystem für Xilinx-AMD FPGA
  106. licenseServer
  107. usbLink CN
  108. edgeConnector
  109. compactLink HW-DN

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Softing Industrial Support

PSIRT – Product Security Incident Response Team
